Tuesday, February 21, 2012

What is Eating Healthy?

Hello everyone.

We are very fortunate to have such amazing weather. Hope you are moving your body!

This photo is an example of raised beds and one way they can be built. There are so many ways to make raised beds. This is at the Dansko office. Nice.

Broccoli is sill coming out of my garden. What do I do with it all ? Glad you asked because I really like to talk about food and gardens.

I have made some awesome Broccoli Cheese soup in the Vitamix :
           Lightly steam the Broccoli
           put in the vitamix the Broccoli and either cream, milk, broth, water. It is all about what you have on
           hand and your taste.
           If there are 2 cups of the Broccoli start with 1/2 to 3/4 cup of liquid. This will also depend on how
           thick or thin you would like your soup to be.
           Turn on to level 10 for about 6 min.
           Take off the middle cap and add your cheese . I use 1 cup extra sharp cheedar
           Let this stay on for 30 seconds
You have hot Broccoli Cheese soup that quick. The idea behind using the Vitamix is that it will not cook to death the Broccoli , you still get the nutrients.

To make it on the stove you can still use the same steps. Just remember not to boil it. Get it hot so it will be pallatable and the cheese melts well.

We eat it raw too. Yumm, Yummm. Hummus or ranch dressing for dipping . In a salad is an awesome way to get Broccoli  in your meals daily.

What is the point to eating all of these vegetables? Eating good, healthy food; raw if you can, for at least 50% or more of your daily food intake will put you on your way to optimal health.If  you planted and harvested your food, I believe your spiritual and emotional health will receive an enormous overhaul as well.

Soon we will be eating radishes and peas and lettuce. They are growing like crazy! Today I picked cabbage and will be making sauerkraut with it. I will keep you posted on the garden and kraut progress.

 Next time we meet I would like to put some ideas out there about how much does it cost to eat healthy?
 Can we afford to eat healthy? Who are we paying so we can eat healthy? Are we being told the correct

Peace and Love,

 Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself-James 2:8     

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